MUSCI maintains an active research program on the mosses of the Pacific States. In collaboration with the professional community, we assemble collection information to support floristic surveys, conduct field collections, and cooperate in specimen exchanges and determinations. Ongoing projects involve the review of the distribution and abundance of mosses in California, moss flora of the North Bay Area of California (with an emphasis on Napa County), photographing of mosses and their habitats, and development of techniques and protocols for field surveys. MUSCI collaborates on research projects conducted by others by providing supplemental bryological technical expertise. Research activities and specimen curation are coordinated with the Center for Plant Diversity (DAV) of the University of California, Davis. MUSCI provides bryological training and mentoring in Northern California. Activities are centered at DAV. The MUSCI team refers specimens for determination by appropriate specialists, and conducts specimen determination using an on-site reference herbarium, CAS, DAV and UC. MUSCI evaluates published and unpublished bryophyte identification materials in developing multiple entry keys for use within Northern Calfornia. MUSCI also assesses the rarity and endangerment of mosses in California, consistent with California state and federal regulations, supporting the Rare Plant Program of the California Native Plant Society. MUSCI holds permits from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife authorizing research on the sensitive flora of California. |
For more information, please send an email message to MUSCI Natural Resource Assessment.